
To install django-spese, you’ll need some prerequisite:

  • first of all you must know how type commands in console mode in your system;
  • then, it’s important you have some knowledge about how create/configure a Django project and app(s);
  • and, last but not least, you’ll need to have a copy of Python version 3.5, or newer, already installed in your system.

Futhermore I take for granted you know how to use virtualenv and you’ll use it to create a Django project to test this app.

Hereafter I describe how install from a distribution. You can download it from this tar.gz , or from this zip archive if you prefer a zipped version.


If you are a developer, maybe you’d like to clone from the project source repository using git as version control software.

Creating a Django project to host the application

If you have your project to host django-spese, use it, and go to Configuring the project.

Otherwise create a base project using virtualenv as follows:

> mkdir progetto_servizi
> cd progetto_servizi
> virtualenv env                                  (this loads a copy of the system's python)
> source env/bin/activate                         (or, in Windows, env\Scripts\activate)
> pip install path/to/django-spese-0.1.tar.gz     (this loads django-spese and its
                                                   dependencies: django, django-taggit, ...)

then and create the django project:

> django-admin startproject servizi

Configuring the project

Add django-spese and taggit to your INSTALLED_APPS in Like this:


And, again in double check the presence of:

  • django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware and
  • django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware


Include the django-spese URLconf in your project Like this:

from django.conf.urls import include
url(r'^spese/', include('spese.urls', namespace='spese')),

Provide the django login machinery in your project: that is a template/login.html template, in your project add:

from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
url('^login/$', auth_views.login, {'template_name': 'login.html',}, name='login'),
url(r'^logout/$', auth_views.logout, {'next_page': '/login'}, name='logout'),

and in add:

LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/' # It means home view

You can copy a login.html example from .../env/Lib/site-packages/spese/templates/example/* (in windows use backslashes)

Provide a template/base.html template in your project. In base.html the block content marks where django-spese is going to write its contents:

{% block content %}
{% endblock %}

You can copy a base.html examples from .../env/Lib/site-packages/spese/templates/example/* (in windows use backslashes)

Creating the database

Run python migrate to create the django-spese models and adding a minimal dataset: user1, user2, transfer_funds tag, and cache source for user1 and user2.

Run python createsuperuser to create a superuser.

Start the development server (python runserver)

Refining the database contents

Visit .

Login as superuser to add/change/delete DB base items: sources, tags, users (... and expenses. But furnish a user interface to accomplish this task is one target of spese app).


you’ll need the Admin app enabled


As superuser, at least, reset the users user1 and user2 passwords at known values.

It might be a good idea to change the user names to something more meaningful too.


Visit , login as a user and enjoi the app.